Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Soul

Many people through my life have asked me to say something profound to them, some token that anything I might say of myself is true. I often leave them wanting and for this reason, so if I had anything new to add this, I might tell you in simple terms what is the Soul?

What the soul is is very simple to understand.

The soul is just a byproduct. Humans are mortal, Spirit is not, we are flesh and blood, Spirit is not. Simply put we are, a mixture of mind, will reason and motion, that is, the movement of our bodies, by mind will and reason and circumstance. The Spirit is Eternal. This mixture of, mind, will, reason and body of circumstance in focus, is called heart.

This is where the soul resides.

The soul is that point at which the mind, will, reason and body of circumstance touches the Eternal, The Spirit. That, is, the soul. And since the soul, touches on the Eternal Spirit, though the soul is not the Spirit, it has a quality of Spirit, that it is indestructible, though unlike Spirit, it is changeable, mutable and relational. The Spirit also has a Soul, otherwise it would not be able to commune with the changeable, it would be too, potent, you the Spirit Soul is Eternal and immutable like the Spirit, though to relate to the soul, it is indivisible different in relationship to the changeable soul. A car my run on petrol, liquid petrol, gaseous petrol, methane, or any other such. A truck runs better on Diesel. Yet power is the fuel.

In times past and in varying way's God spoke to us.
None has seen God, yet some have spoken to Him face to face, and Him revealing Himself in many ways.

Humans Have no Spirit, we are mutable, we must, by action of the heart and soul, touch on the Eternal, and our soul in endowed with the Person and Character of the Eternal, and, finding our soul like the Eternal Soul and His Spirit, we become One and like Him.

A group of humans is said to have Spirit, yet this means, a common soulish goal. School spirit. Yet schools, teams and goals of man are not always eternal.

Animals have the same.

So, touching on the Eternal is no slap dash, haphazard thing. It must be heart driven, purposeful and done in a way that the Eternal will recognise as like Itself. When we reach the Eternal, we do not lose self, we become a better self.

Change in a cup is only spit, unless the heart is in it. One penny might weigh in the Eternal greater than a million dollars, it is all heart. A dark deed, may even, in the light of Eternity, path the way more than a thousand good intentions. Yet it is the Eternal who will say, "It is all good." We can add nothing to this.

And if we are, in the image of the Eternal One, then, what does it mean that it is not good for man to be alone, and if God spoke to some face to face, and in differing ways. Does He like to be alone? Yet who is the equal of God, or at least, who would please Him so, that she would be with Him always in Joy?

Food for though.

The soul, is the mind, will, reason and body of circumstance all channeled called heart. The soul is eternal, the Eternal seeks that which He can share, He is no miser.

This is true religion.
War, is the devilish group spirit that tries to, reach eternal status by removing the competition, a warring spirit, will destroy even itself when there in no other to rise above.
There must be greater than the soul, this is pure reason, I have not, in this, told you who to believe in.

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