Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Cantor of the dissertative life

Aside and outwardly
aside and outwardly motion to extravagance of nature though not drawn or frail the excessive of the contradictions to the daily to daily and sometimes sublime, sometimes basic and sometimes base, yet, not always less refined. Ventured towards, no, not of zealous distraction, nor foul, vile vainglorious, but to the reader, if no one else, secretly so not embarrassingly either even to you my readers. Yes. So. Aside and outwardly, penned and not out loud. Of foolish and unfortunately moved towards a life of sometimes unwanted and stupid acts of courage, to wonder why this man was not dead yet would not be any superfluous questioning. Benvolio was shot. And mad enough to pen the man’s morbid taste the extinguishing of Lights.
Even then, aside and outwardly, and speak not over wearily, or then, why plague the man like a Scotsman? He did not always or even mostly with any real intention, turn out to be at the wrong place at the right time often, and this was his most unfortunate , some might even say redeemable quality, for he did have that particular affliction, and want for the sense, and damn it, common decency, to think and do nothing, a quick tongue and wit, and all too ready, as if a puppetry marionette like quality.
enough to say, when there is trouble started, and finished, an Australian was there.

An accursed race. Known through history for it.

With a flawed even sometimes sublime, penchant for the sublime and the ridiculous, and the ability sit back and enjoy the joke that is the human condition, especially the next condition over the the left a bit, and excuse me your spoiling my view. Even to make thus so, because frames and big heads are bad for the health of the character Mr Deville.

Such unfortunate juxtapositions for one race let alone one man.

Suffice it to say, Australians are all bastards, rat bags, and prone to be all of the above, and so aside and outwardly, there is nothing really special about that.

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