Friday, July 30, 2010

To whom it may concern

To whom it
may concern

The Theology of Yahwist (Yahwey) doctrine and
angelic deposition
Yahweh the God of Abraham, Izaak and Jacob,
also the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, is
the only God, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, Indivisible,
Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent.
Jesus the word born in flesh is a man, the son of Man,
son of God.
Jesus came to destroy the work of Lucifer, the
Archangel who was supposed to bring all to worship
his Creator God. Jesus took his place, through Lucifer
and one man and woman sin entered, through Jesus,
one man and the Virgin Mary, sin was removed and
Jesus Christ reigns on his Father’s throne to bring his
Father God, his Creator worship evermore.
Jesus, finding himself a man, humbled (emptied
un-investing his divinity, to be filled to the fullness of
all the character of His Father God), not robbing God
to be equal to Him, but humbling himself as a servant,
to death, even death on the cross. And, always doing
what pleased His Father God, in life and in death,
living for ever. God said let there be light, Jesus the
way the truth and the life, unto the Father God, and
the light and life of men, giving that we should have
this attitude and have life in us who believe on his
There are other positions to be filled, the
Church made of human stones, others held as Rama
Krishna. My name is Ian Krishna Claridge, the Lord is
gracious to the bright and attractive one (or the Lord
is gracious to Krishna canceling debts) . In Jesus, the
Lord’s name above all to be saved, only to be saved,
in Jesus the Christ’s name, glory to God the Father, to
whom is the Father of the Heavenly lights receive
their name. He told me, teach this to your bride (my
wife not the belief as a whole and to those that can
hear), as My Son the Lord Jesus Christ taught his. To
her, treating her in all meekness, humility, cherishing
in love, as he did.
And to our, wives, also his shepherd, to his
bride the church, shepherds also. And even all of us at
times, failing to do this, but not him.
Teaching all to do the same.
Jesus, the Word of God become flesh, greater
than Angels once God Himself. I, less if attributes
angelic, fallen, of now wretched as a fallen men. Not,
ever a being angelic, but knowing his ways.
In wrong all of mine is mine in my doing, of
right and good, all is Him in his doing and making in
Christ. Let all men know this of themselves and be
pleasing to the Father God in Christ.
In His masterpiece, us, created in Christ. This too is
him, creating in us.
Hence, a masterpiece, as all are his word through me.
“For we are His masterwork, created in Christ Jesus,
to do good works.”
I am not ashamed in his Christ Jesus and his powerful
gospel given in me.
‘To whom it may concern’ are you afraid to
claim me such?
Or, shall we say, as we often do, “we are His
masterwork”, or, “Oh what manner of love is this, that
we should be called sons (daughters of God), for that
is what we are beloved.”
And I asked Him
“To whom shall I go”
“To whom shall I send your word?”
“It is not good for you to be alone in this
As I made by the
Touch of my hand
Shall have a helper
To send my word
Perfectly with”
So I wrote this to her
And for all men to do this,
and this is his bride,
men and women,
first learning grace by his hand,
to each other,
in love and his way.

 But this is a grace given to those
who believe, not that we a struck for stripes sake,
paying a price, but to, be formed to be a servant, an
honor to us, as he was made perfect in suffering, that
he should be like his brothers he was sent to bring
many children unto God the Father. And that we
should have this in earthen vessels. “and they gave
Glory to God, that He should be so with men
This is a poem about moving, going places in one
place to get to another.
Not all places are the same, people can be similar, this
I have learned:
If I could speak as perfectly as I could to those who
have wronged me or done well to me
Did anyone wrong you?
Did anyone do well by you?
Let no-one have done me wrong and in all that is
good, let Him have done it.
Or, if I could say as perfectly to those
Who, well or wrong
It would be this book as well
To many, to one, especially and
Particularly special
To me always
Let her be nameless
She knows who she be,
did I do wrong,
let me say I am accountable,
did I do a good to some one,
let him have the glory to God,
but he is humble,
thank you,
for grace given,
grace received,
giving thanks to the Father God,
in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Note, I was homeless and I have an ongoing degenerative
nerve condition. Trying to survive the
people of Melbourne and to the one this is dedicated
to, has brought me this ability by my Faith. My
condition is only partially stable and I is still
potentially lethal to myself.
I have destroyed over forty full works, novels,
novellas, short stories and poetry collections.
This will be my only complete present work to date,
except another given to a stranger, possibly lost. My
last purest, passing shout. Hopefully cherished, and, I
believe, as the person the book was given to, is.
You will never see
The empty spaces
That these do not show
The lost embrace
The beautiful places in the heart
Not gone
Unshelved for good
Piled high for keeping
How is it that this one has
Remained untouched
My heart soul is garbage
I am man
Reach in and claim
Those worthless
Hurts we are
Claim them in
Touches back
To add years
To years lost
Though I face toil
Two times love
Four trouble
Digging through the destruction left
Building a prison of destroyers pieces
Told I do not really know
The oppressors for torn leasings
Are the ungrown places
Who will love me
Bold to say
It is not the broken I would dare
But the love and grace
Destroyer could not erase
Who would dare but care
To think you lovely?
Why is it strange
That a valiant soul
Why is it strange
That life
Should not be strange to you
And speaking
Tell you
That strange you are strangely
More worth than what you do not know
Let me say
I know who touched me
Let the power
Flow out
That He has portioned
Me an ending
Reach in
That slender hand
All this worthless
Mans garbaged
Headed words
To say
You have reached in
Let me love you
To heaven itself
To that
Little mountain
Founded on word life loved pure
A rose from the concrete
Is not so lovely
As the beauty from the unblessed
The glow
Of hidden jewel
In darkest deep
Of loveless spaces
Oh how imperfect
Speaker I am
In the description of His Grace
In you
If words had this power
To heal piled
Let me make heaps
Of piles
And mountains
Of words
Upon embraces
And push out
Words and piles
Of paper pain
Be there when
I get there
Let There Be
He is one light
Let me only speak with
His voice to thee
He is one way
Let me only walk as he did in light
We his reward
Let me
As he paid,
And loved
So that I
Can always let there
Only be this new man
To teach you
He loved you so much
And I also
Let there only be love
At my side
Hand in hand
Me for you
So that you can for me,
Like a cup
Filled often to overflowing
And sweetest bounty
Yet even if with all love
Love returned void
And we lesser men
Surely we shall die
Let love rule,
If to be a princess
My princedom be
The steps of my feet
Near you
If I ask for love between
Of another measure
It is only to overflow
You me / me you
You me
His love not being
Returned void
But that one shining
Basked day in the sun
And light
Be always
Ever increasing
Yes and I do
And in Him Amen
Sex and Humility
We not
Sometimes humble
She says
‘Oh God’
‘Oh my God’
We smile
There is no jealousy
If the maker of sex
Is credited
We get the reward
Of joy
In that unity
No room
For jealousy in the union
And joy of lovemaking
God’s gift to women
Is lovemaking
Forgetting child bearing
‘Oh my God’
Is for men
God’s gift to men also
In that holy matrimony
Another man called
Is rage
But the mention
Of the creator
Of lovemaking sex
We lesser men a little
God is all good and loving
We men need not be
But worthless sweet talkers
If no other value
Then bed worthy
Ever so
We are rewarded
For a time
To the place
Where there is no
Room for jealousies
Ever again
No thought
But to overflowing
Joy in return
Yet not unleashing
Humble given credit
This is more His humility
And forgoing jealousy
And spaceless unity a while
If he is not so
Completely this
‘Oh my God’
The restriction in
Lovemaking sex
Yet the pleasure
Freedom of,
a little death,
to life, love and life.
Peace of Peace
And so now
Let us have
His peace
My peace
Your peace
Our peace
And cross over to rest
For this is His promise
More precious
Than any work of men
More blessed in
More bountiful
To bride and
In His peace
Let there be
None other
We may fail in faith
In all
He in him
He does not fail
Even if we fail
He cannot fail
For He has done
Let’s walk
Within me
He has done it
Within you
And he rests
You and me
No One
I have no one
I try to love but they
Do not love me
I better myself to be loved
But they do not love me
Undone I feel no love
But do love
In all these ways
For what I get
Is lovelessness
I discover He who is love
Loves me much for all these things
I have no one
I try to love
But they do not
Love me
They see Him with
Some love to hate this,
do not love me,
I do not love you,
we must then look through other eyes,
His and his,
of that all is love.
For God is love.
New Revival
New hair
New car
New lover
New job
New friends
New way of life
New way of thinking
New beginning
New religions
New revisions
New clothes
New idea of reality
New unfinished project
New new new all things are new
New sale next week,
All Rest
Rest from rest
Call on solitude
Peace is not within
Why call on what
Does not rest
No joy
For it is not
And all that is
Is with
To Have and To Hold
What spirit was ever born
What man was not born
Jesus we know was born
A man
And given
Born from above
Unless you are born from above
He was born pure
And born from above
Like we are in every way
Only always doing
What is pleasing to the Father
Keeping Himself from sin
And the Father pleased
To keep Him
Born in sin
Then from above
If this were not so
How could the spirit
Of Christ live in us
So that we may walk
And be loved by the
Father also
My beautiful
My beloved one
Let us do this together
Till we walk to that
Place not made by
Showing love with
Each other
Keeping ourselves
Each other
And He being
Pleased to keep us
What shall we take
Together with Him
A song as a present
His name on our lips
He cannot be formed
In you
He is with man and
all that is mankind,
must accept he is not formed,
he is accepted and we are renewed,
less in you,
in us,
but us in him,
Yet he in us
Together better than
Also not less singularly
How has He loved us
Together might show
His words of loving kindness
Not returning void,
it is not good for man to be alone,
no man is (or woman)
and island.
This damnable epiphany
This blessed insanity
It is a fire in the soul
The vibration in flesh
It quickens the blood
Bring me in again
Into the glorious madness
For my soul is weary
And I have forgotten that
I liveth
I speak
For you do not exist
I act how I choose
For you do not exist
I give
For you do not exist
I ask
For you do not exist
I treat you well
For you do not exist
I don’t love you because loving to you
Does not exist
Existence is with all love
You do not exist
Where are the living ones?
And so,
we must be with all love,
for that is not mankind fallen,
but the Son of Man,
where is the Son of Man,
he is not here right now,
but you are here,
and do exist,
we might then,
try show that,
we do exist in love.
Thankful for my last breath
Every time I breathe
Thankful for every smile
Thankful of the sun of skinsong
The clouds of embrace
The autumn of contested colouring
The spring of healing
I am grateful in all things
So forgetfully thankful
Of this most
That my ingratitude is also blessed
Now I remember
Thanksgiving for
Thanklessness of blessing
There is no sound
Joy is absolute
There is no sound
Ecstasy is complete
There is nothing to be heard
For there is now all peace
Silence is absolute
For eternal love is approaching
There is no sound
As all await such magnificent
There is no sound
Joy is absolute
Life and measuring
Is in completion,
and sometimes this is now.
She, Her, Woman
She is the embodied restful joy
She is life in the sunshine
Her wine is ready and its
Aroma is ecstasy
The water of her life
Springs of life
None thirst after we drink
But desire that drought always
To curl on her breast is more
Than the promise of plenty
Her touch is a memory that lives
Long in the flesh
More than food
More burning within than wildfire
She is the embodiment
Of the worth of life lived,
so the Church,
so let me us treat you.
To say more beautiful sheer
You are beauty incarnate
Beautiful is to share your essence
To speak of desire would be
To lower
To not have you
Is to starve at a banquet
Of most succulent delicacy
Where you are not even a morsel
To try to pen more worthless
Is to understand silence at the
Of the Moon, the Stars and the Rainbow
Dance under a changing moon
Catch a passing star
If you can
Serenade a rainbow
The Rhada Rhani says
‘I sit and wait
In silence and patience’
For this is attractive
To the land
Even if never perfectly
His Lord will have my Lord
To be gracious to Me
As His Lord is gracious to Him
This is the truly
Silent beauty
Of the
Rhada Rhani
Call Me
He is the Lord
My name of a lord
Yes Jesus Christ is
If I might ask for
It would be
No matter what
The world says of me
That you would
Always know
That He is
My Lord
And that you
Know me
You know Him
You know Him in me
And call me
Your husband,
He treated His Bride so tenderly,
though Lord,
a Lord,
is such,
if he can be so gracious.
My mind may be gone
That need for your touch
Like a child starved
I have in all ways
To that which I feared most
If it is that last day on earth
These things I hold true
To you
My heart mind
Spotless eternal love
What shall I say
Cruel fate
Maybe a touch
Your touch
And a few weeks
Years more
Is that a sure thing
Better maybe
This last word to you
This long bright endless
Clean clear crisp
With Him
With He who is
And gives graciously
This my eternal sunshine
Spotless writ
My kiss and touch
Through rock of ages
With a tear upon it
Maybe at the end
This poison they gave me
This curative medicine
Would and never ever
Destroy love enough
Maybe I loved you not
Well enough
On a sweet day
You are times air
Warmth of rays
The smile
Kiss upon the wind
Within reach of ages
Maybe not well
But no other
My beloved
To do this
If I die
Baying at the waxing
Waning moon
Fear not
Ignore all words
But these
For they
And the stars
Do not shine
At all
Above thee
Freedom Now
And what shall I say
Of myself
I am the darkness?
Yet how can that be so
If finding true light
I cast deep shadow?
Grey further behind
And those in shadow reach
The Grey ever in darkness?
Hot in the true light
Dross of refiners fire
But in the cold darkness is
Cold darkness
Shining yes
With a light that shines a while.
Of self,
This is the death of
Darkness not being smithed
Nor drossed
It does not shine
The darkness encroaches
Saying to those that
Desire keep dark deeds
And hold light captive
This in the true light is darkness
This light of mine is
Bright in dark
Dazzling grey
Bringing grey from true light
Not drossed
Not allowing in
Any by saying
This is true light
Ever if all call me
Dead man walking
For to know true light
That any light we have
Is a darkness to the way
Of true light of men
Is to have true light
Is to be
Reduced, free
Think of actions and be
The sun
When considered good in
Joy and love done
Is it this much for freedom
The light
He does not bind
But boundaries
Are with all things
Returning to life
Love on the beach
Allows much
When the sands of time
No longer fade to crumble
Dust and ash
Blow away like smoke
In that time
What will we be?
What will be the freedom
Of love as the beach?
Let love show me
But one for whom to
That can be
And now
And now
What is wrong if now may be
The freedom of the way of
Light and love
Love in the sunny beach
Life rapture freedom now,
We shine,
Because he made us too,
His light in us.
What do I do,
whatever is lovely,
of good report,
considerate and kind,
as generous as possible,
all these things that are an environment,
that we would have to plant things well,
yes we must make this place,
no boxes to scurry about with,
like a fearful pack rat,
once was said by me,
leaving behind such enjoyable homes,
with such beautiful gardens,
both tended with love,
an answer was ,
some may never have such a place,
now longing for those places,
where baggage and gardens,
not drudgery and shameful wandering,
no shamed desire,
for true or the other that given to remove,
now I want to say no,
to everything else,
I read some where that to think little of me,
is the done thing,
what shall I say,
yes what needs be said has been said,
no what needs be said has not been said,
a new to those that only see dated re-runs,
and to those that didn't give attention well and right.
this might only have a place in dreams,
hope isn't a dream,
that is too difficult to hope,
and what shall I say,
I don't want to hope with,
or to be hoped in,
nor will I do as said by,
why look anymore,
to in the other is hopeless ness,
and of me there is hopelessness,
no hope there,
to wander aimlessness to some,
not always having to hold back laughter,
to have wandered so far to be lost again,
and never look up and laugh,
yet that I hope in another.
Peace fully.
yet I can't.
there is,
a better than,
topple here,
topple there,
or a girl called Bianca.
you a Leo,
or a Virgo?
but I said,
you know I hate being called Vir,
I have too arms,
and I don't wanna be a drummer,
sacrifice is sometimes needed,
to be merciful better and from,
and why are tears shameful?
it had been difficult to shove against,
yet the spears and barbs have taught,
that this would have been more excellent and lovely,
to have been taught by excellent and lovely,
without sarcasm,
this can be difficult,
if this is about me,
one must know,
only for the other,
don't approach me then,
I have no loving name for you now,
no not now no more now,
I had a cat,
his name was William,
I called him bill,
I could not love another cat,
what a pansy,
to talk about such things like a pinned flower on me,
if I had a million cats,
I would have to call them all billy,
every now and then,
and be nice to them when no one was looking,
a poppy for some,
yeah I forgot solidarity,
but I'd have to not wear a pansy.
I might not have a million arms,
or legs,
sometimes just a big mouth,
can't stand huh?
I'll try and fail and succeed,
can't stand huh?
now might take a while to be allowed,
many things that normal people can have,
that have no past pain or shame of being like me,
well then,
I'm at peace with that.
Even though,
not liked.
yet enjoying.
maybe you are just an echo of a ghost,
not real at all,
some pose of trick of mind,
sounding like cold.
Math is for dummies.
Let me show you why.
There is a place,
rocking on a chair there is no winter,
this place she knows,
lightning bugs do not know seasons,
they know warm resonating conjunction,
not stale but air so tantalizing that it is electric,
a rocking chair lovely woods maybe there are new
places there,
I'm a tree,
no longer a tree there is a sound above,
I'm not a tree,
never was,
it's just the memory of a tree brings me there,
trees and lighting bugs don't know time,
only water,
tantalizing humid electricity that is on the skin,
but I'm a sound underneath,
deep and resonating.
stones and madmen,
fool who doesn't comprehend time any more only
thin laughing crazy as a stone,
what is space and time to stones?
if a stone was crazy enough to know time,
it might laugh and sing about a girl,
rocking gently,
fool she says,
why are you?
but I'm not there,
this is no balcony scene,
foolish girl I'm here at your side,
yet still a song deep resonating,
laughing too at this foolish girls still believing in time
and space and separateness and lonesomeness and any
other ness than now ness and with now ness,
look songs,
stone crazy still below,
now rocking beside we stand together,
a kiss on the cheeck,
now and song and kiss on the cheek and look,
can you see us,
a tree brought me here.
woods lovely dark deep full of promises and now and
singing and lightning bus and humid electric heat and
the beat of hearts in bugs and lightning and now and a
clear blue day as I point at now,
and in that clear blue day with somehow sound of
singing and rocking and humid and the beats of hearts
in flashing of light and bright blue sky and woods
lovely dark and deep and a tree has called us here and
there are people and maybe this is a good spot to plant
a tree, more than just me and you but a father and,
and nowness and hereness than there ness is
foolishness and spaceness ness and nowness and ,
I'm kissing you you foolish girlchild woman when
will you ever learn that...........
when was that?
I don't know,
what is time and what is ,
as long as it is now,
I don't know anything but those kisses,
now I see a courtyard,
what is time in The Fathers House,
when His Only Begotten Son Christ Jesus says,
what do you see now?
When was that,
there is no concept,
i don't care,
now I'm not missing you,
I do not understand your concept of space and time,
I'm a fool,
all I know is there is a girl,
to me,
for me,
such concepts are a fools foolishness,
I hear rocking,
a tree is calling me.
but you are not there,
only a beautiful hope,
that my foolishness,
hope of a better day now,
and always.
A head ache,
no now I'm laughing again,
I see,
I hear a warbling of a magpie,
I don't know but we are apart,
but the sound of the bird has brought us near,
it is now,
and I'm singing,
and so are you,
we can't hear each other,
we can hear each other,
what is time and space to nowness and,
can you hear magpies now?
Wherever you are now,
I know you can here magpies.
Once you were my wife,
I don't care about fullish things,
I know you remember sometimes and can hear the
sound of magpies.
What has space and time and math and snowflakes,
the woman I'm talking about,
she would laugh at such childish concepts,
math and snowflakes,
have you ever know the joy in the now,
What is that,
when was the now we heard magpies together,
I hear rocking.,
a rocking chair...
a balcony,
what is lost,
what is found.
I remember the fourth of July,
or is that now?
and the shouting about how some guy is the best,
and they are the best fireworks I have seen I agree,
Is it morning there,
I see a place,
a Sun revolving around a sun,
and a sun around that sun,
there is no shadow of turning there,
Eternal Kingdom of Light,
that Light is also Love,
and there is no darkness,
a Sun and a sun around that sun,
and suns around that sun, and suns,
some of the love is suns around a sun,
and one seem like a man,
and another a woman,
and Light is Love and that is an Eternal Kingdom of
Light and Love,
and now,
for that time we wait,
in my mind,
I fell a kiss,
and the sunrises here,
and the same sun rises over you,
and cold,
in season and out,
be loved,
if ever you think of me when the warmth for the sun
and a laugh,
remember now...
in such times there is laughter,
sometimes inappropriate,
the feel of the sun on the skin,
warm and a kiss on the sunshine...
sometimes is see the sunshine offf your face,
now I remember a girl,
and I laugh inappropriately,
or a tear and sunshine in a tear and I laugh
life is well,
such now life,
is a joy...
but now and then,
I care not,
now and then,
to see you truly,
in a time called now.
Sometimes I forget where I am.
friends are good to have,
we have a friend,
he is that Great Friend,
friends are good to have,
if ever there is a now,
I hope to be found,
standing with no season,
with my friends,
and my Great Friend,
made a way,
that friends is The Way,
The Truth,
that Light that is The Light of man,
as ever,
I hope to do better in The Way,
with friends as many as any could want,
don't fear our Best Friend,
because if there be any good in anyone,
it is by following his Pure and Perfect example,
as long it is now,
that is the Way to chose,
says the Good Book,
good news,
we don't know the day time or hour,
year or any such calender date,
some things are only for The Father,
our days may be prolonged,
but on the day when there is only ever to be Good
that day,
we will not need to read or hear about from another,
then we shall all know,
only Good News,
all else forgotten,
never again to see harm or sadness,
or another way,
because all other ways but Good News shall be no
and if the is a Way,
as long as it is now,
may that Way keep me,
increasingly better,
so that I won't be ashamed at His appearing in Word
and Deed,
and tell him,
that I was learning to turn the other cheeck,
tied to a maiden head also,
till all calling was as the grass and flowers,
as we all are,
but there was one whom I could not,
I was fit to be tied,
not with seasons,
not with summer,
winter nor spring,
but made and being made better,
so that for once to stand,
then I stand,
to have mercy given is how we learn,
and to err is human,
to seek to do and only seek and do what is,
all these things,
it to have all desire ignored,
till The Way has made a way,
to turn the other cheeck,
and we can be similar in the,
if your a bit butch,
then I'm a bit sun dance,
we prefer the company of the other kind,
but better and best are you.
as long as it is now,
until now is now again.
if that okay by you,
my home away from Home.
get thee too a nunnery,
jazz it up,
never knew mine,
we sons of none,
yet a son of nun,
longs for his home away from Home.
but we sons of none seek the good to do as best we
rather falling down in way,
than rising up with the enemy,
this is our challenge,
seek to do the good then do that,
learn the Highest Good,
then we seek good for more.
clearly then,
now as well as then,
neva eva,
such fine words,
but I will not fall,
nor tire,
nor stop,
till that truth,
The Truth,
has made true in me.
if I'm a star,
then let me be a pointer,
two stars,
circling each other,
this is how he loves us,
that in The Way Truth and Life of men,
he offers us a star,
none for me,
unless he make a way for you too.
as long as it is now,
let me do and profess this,
better till better still.
Sometimes life isn't boring,
just constantly asking for you too,
less complicated,
isn't easier,
neither is more complicated,
only awfully better.
If restraints are put on those that would do me harm,
on those that cause to harm any,
Angels or His Spirit in Christ,
he blesses as His Way,
I belong to somebody,
to me you are somebody indeed.
But I don't count on that,
even if it were my last day,
let this be how I lived and loved somebody.
I am not ashamed of still living,
I do not calculate risk,
love is stronger than the grave,
furhter than the furthest star,
wide beyond measure,
this is how he loves us.
Getting to here even,
hurt quite a lot.
Good morning.
past or present,
here or there,
then and now,
Once and Future King,
what ever is of good report,
what ever is praiseworthy,
hope and pessimism,
joy and fear,
learning to have one and not the other,
this is a difficult thing,
we are brought with only ourselves to the world,
that is all we take with us,
owe no debt but love,
"I could not pay my full debt of love,"
the rest was already paid for,
and the principal,
more than you account ever was,
thank you for hopefully trying.
I like Y days,
upways downways,
leftways sideways,
there ways my ways,
boston pie days,
because when the talkings done,
then there's sundown,
candles and oh my days,
and if that day doesn't,
love is always?
I like,
any Y day,
especially when,
they end in a xx,
try day.
best things in life are free,
but joyous is all day.
even when it's a little difficult.
patience is persistant,
I'm starting to notice,
how much there is to enjoy days.
friends are hard to make,
especailly when there's allowed no way.
but I still like,
if I was anything,
and said,
I am not my own Lord,
no I am not the Christ,
I am not my own Lord,
if my name was a lord,
and said,
I am not my own Sweet Lord,
"there was another preaching the Kingdom,
but he was not,
one of us."
"Do not forbid,
for one who does what we do,
In my name,
cannot easily say ill of me either."
If even the Lord said this,
what is that to you?
didn't David write,The LORD said to my Lord,
and David was a servant and king.
And what of the Lord,
he says,
my Father God.
If the Lord called his Father LORD and God,
How does Jesus call himself his own LORD?
It says, "
there are many lords,
this we know,
isn't an early judge lord,
and an earthly Queen or King,
and what of that,
we see respect in persons even in earthly things,
God is no respecter of persons,
He is God,
He is the Creator God,
born from above was he,
Firstborn over all creation,
my Sweet Lord is he,
if the Lord Jesus Christ,
said these thing,
what is that to you,
I do not make me or us anything,
he is an impossible act to follow,
One God,
on Lord,
on Spirit,
one Baptism,
if God is no respecter of persons,
His Son in whom He is well pleased,
this is the very Christ,
surely we,
are crooked paths,
we cannot straighten ourselves,
or made perfect overnight,
that is his,
born perfect,
to be made perfect in us also,
we do not know.
If the LORD said to my Lord,
what is this to you?
Welcome Ganesha,
Libra and krishnatrishna,
well met and healing.
Thank you Gabriel,
a clean fresh cloud,
of peace and knowledge.
Peace to Arjun,
and high seas traversed.
And this I know,
no rest for the wicked,
no peace for the good,
No Grace without Grace,
say grace and Amen,
to have no grace,
is the same as to give none,
to say grace too,
grace is to have,
and to be gracious too,
for grace sake,
to hold on to joy,
no matter height nor depth,
misery hates company,
love is a blind petulant boy,
in pain,
awaiting the Rhadda Rhani,
at least for this one.
Awaiting the Rhadda Rhanni,
should be rest and peace,
and graceful joy,
in season and out,
pain teaches,
to rid of pain,
be graceful to yourself,
says the Rhadda Rhanni,
take the world off your shoulders,
how can anyone not be graceful,
in the face for such grace,
this is the Rhadda Rhainni,
all our plenty.
So this is how we should await .
Our Rhadda Rhani,
grace and peace and joy,
running and hiding she does,
how gracious and peaceful and joyous can you be,
not as plenty,
but even if I were,
better faster strong than associates and friends,
there is too far to run,
when it means,
way from my Rhadda Rhanni,
Awaiting the Rhadda Rhanni is,
grace indeed,
his grace to us,
he Jesus had not,
that we all are his,
denying himself for the church
we are given such grace,
as to behold ours,
so be graceful to the Rhadda Rhanni,
this is grace.
If we be tested,
to have grace beyond our measure,
and then be gracious more,
give thanks for such a wonderful test,
if a goodly test she be,
to be tested by her to smile,
is joy indeed.
where ever grace is,
be graceful,
this is never wrong.
peace and rest and grace.
More than friends to all,
no to all,
I do not wait,
He can move Heaven and Earth,
and us closer,
No superhero as we spoke,
just a sidekick,
what's your speed,
neither of us need to rush all the time,
not a box of chocolate for those,
who believe,
and I cannot believe,
as I never can,
that you are any less,
who I have loved,
Loved and lost is still love,
lost and found,
all of us,
lost and found,
forward the only way to go,
there is no rush,
no here or there,
love is where love is,
not in the air,
and no need to rush,
loved and lost,
is still loved,
lost and found all of us,
time is all mens,
and no mans,
more than friends,
now and with now,
then and with then,
I have to work,
you have to work,
in him,
we win.
Loved and lost,
is still loved,
lost and found all of us,
Yes and Amen he is,
not yes and know,
we must live differently,
not yes and no,
just no to any,
who holds the heart in disdain,
to say,
yes and Amen,
and no.
More than friends to all,
no to all,
I do not wait,
He can move Heaven and Earth,
and us closer,
I cannot believe less of you,
never could,
that I'm a fool,
not yes and no,
more than friends,
but no to all,
like attracts like,
and I still like your style,
to have loved and lost is still to have loved,
lost and found,
all of us.
a servant can sit,
for any,
but there is a Higher,
and He will not have me wait,
to my own,
you say yes and no,
to have loved and lost,
is still to have loved,
lost and found all of us,
I must go soon,
there is not hope in this,
no one has all time,
relative to the Absolute these thing,
you must know,
this is hope,
that He is for us in him,
and he works for the good,
of those that love,
even if no well all the time,
and we,
I don't,
live by my perfection,
but that He loved us.
owe nothing but love,
you work there,
I'll work here,
to have loved and lost,
is still to have loved,
lost and found all of us,
the quality of mercy is not strange,
it is Divine,
and sometimes,
out of reach for us.
to be with now,
and need not say no,
to be with then,
and not say no,
to be working for love,
love still has everything,
to do with it.
deny me a time without counting,
but not yourself,
we don't forget,
that is how we love each other.
be well,
be loved and happy,
pray for me and I will pray for you.
the tattoo on that youngish woman?
on that old lady seems familiar?
I don't care for the in,
between either,
till either day my love.
bound fettered,
unbound unfettered,
not an oxymoron.
too much water under the bridge,
to not stop and admire the river,
time is not ones mans I know,
we know,
but we can know live along the way,
not maybe,
that is not love,
till then.
no riddles,
lost and found is better,
love is love,
you know I have asked.
no riddles,
those ways,
lets leave them lost.
stop go yes no.
why are you still here,
I know what my heart says,
I stay lost,
not with me,
to rush in.
not to leave hope behind.
not with me,
to be a bird on a wire.
to have loved and lost,
all of us,
mercy sometimes out of our reach,
yet the Divine,
He loves us.
and sent His Son,
this I pray,
when I can,
no rush,
I cannot consider me such a fool,
to believe less of you.
love has everything to do with love.
when dreams are founded in love,
can't he do anything!
He is for us all.
yet he will not have us wait,
to our own loss.
we are a peculiar people.
The woods are lovely,
dark and deep,
but I have promises to keep,
and miles to go before I sleep.
Is that sometimes creek,
and is that always hill,
and I know that's Old-mans farm over there,
I can almost smell the tree we planted from here,
and the sunshine off her face.
But these precious promises,
in which he is the Yes and Amen,
of which I have become steward.
Patience please as,
we upgrade to perform better service,
for you.
if love is not always,
and that no height or depth,
neither angel nor demon,
of any thing that can be named,
even ourselves,
for Emanuel,
God is with us men,
and there is no difference,
bond or free,
those of birthright,
or those given adoption,
in the Lord Jesus the only Christ,
but that if we are greater,
as men,
then we must walk as he did,
and treat with,
Her tent is a cool place,
a soft yawning of desire
the sands towards her oasis,
are more fine,
than the smoothest silks.
Dates and sweet aromas,
grow round about,
the is no chimera,
no mirage or falsehood,
to her refreshment,
she has not been,
hers is only for you,
all else is forgetfulness,
and she is always,
even in a desert tempest.
Sweet nothings await all who dwell with her,
soft songs and strumming,
she is an instrument to be played,
delightfully of sound.
Watered garden of warmth.
Pillowed like full down and satin.
awaiting the Rhadda Rhanni.
(mythology of Sri Krishna and Rhadda,
to hold oneself of no account,
to have oneself as no high account,
to believe oneself low enough to serve all,
to believe all as better than,
to know that other loved more,
to see the place and world,
as a this of beauty to be kept for beauties sake,
to hold to the good as best,
to know the good hold you better,
to all these good and precious thing,
to do them knowing because all is as He would have
you do,
then we have this hope awaiting us,
even though we fail at time,
we have this hope in earthen vessels,
Christ Jesus the Lord,
One and Only.
In which do not,
is of little consequence for we,
seek only the good he would have us do,
knowing it is Him in Christ,
created us to do,
good works,
not that we do anything,
the nothing we do is his working in us,
so we in him are more than conquerors,
we are at slumber,
wakeful gratefully,
working for him.
While we all wait,
however long,
then we do for others,
and treat them,
as Christ Jesus would treat us,
this need be all we ever do,
it is not good that man should be alone,
He said, for His Christ the Church,
for us each other.
not too bad at all.
as said to "me then more,"
seek him first,
do for him,
then as we do that,
we do not see him,
so we do for more than him,
first me then more,
we are of no account,
so to do as the only Lord would have done,
me and then more,
then not seeing him,
we do for others as the Lord would do.
mabye you are just an echo of a ghost,
not real at all,
some pose of trick of mind,
sounding like cold.
Math is for dummies.
Let me show you why.
There is a place,
rocking on a chair there is no winter,
this place she knows,
lightning bugs do not know seasons,
they know warm resonating conjunction,
not stale but air so tantalizing that it is electric,
a rocking chair lovely woods maybe there are new
places there,
I'm a tree,
no longer a tree there is a sound above,
I'm not a tree,
never was,
it's just the memory of a tree brings me there,
trees and lighting bugs don't know time,
only water,
tantalizing humid electricity that is on the skin,
but I'm a sound underneath,
deep and resonating.
stones and madmen,
fool who doesn't comprehend time any more only
thin laughing crazy as a stone,
what is space and time to stones?
if a stone was crazy enough to know time,
it might laugh and sing about a girl,
rocking gently,
fool she says,
why are you?
but I'm not there,
this is no balcony scene,
foolish girl I'm here at your side,
yet still a song deep resonating,
laughing too at this foolish girls still believing in
time and space and separateness and lonesomeness
and any other ness than now ness and with now
look songs,
stone crazy still below,
now rocking beside we stand together,
a kiss on the cheeck,
now and song and kiss on the cheek and look,
can you see us,
a tree brought me here.
woods lovely dark deep full of promises and now and
singing and lightning bus and humid electric heat
and the beat of hearts in bugs and lightning and
now and a clear blue day as I point at now,
and in that clear blue day with somehow sound of
singing and rocking and humid and the beats of
hearts in flashing of light and bright blue sky and
woods lovely dark and deep and a tree has called us
here and there are people and maybe this is a good
spot to plant a tree, more than just me and you but a
father and,
and nowness and hereness than there ness is
foolishness and spaceness ness and nowness and ,
I'm kissing you you foolish girlchild woman when
will you ever learn that...........
when was that?
I don't know,
what is time and what is ,
as long as it is now,
I don't know anything but those kisses,
now I see a courtyard,
what is time in The Fathers House,
when His Only Begotten Son Christ Jesus says,
what do you see now?
When was that,
there is no concept,
i don't care,
now I'm not missing you,
I do not understand your concept of space and time,
I'm a fool,
all I know is there is a girl,
to me,
for me,
such concepts are a fools foolishness,
I hear rocking,
a tree is calling me.
but you are not there,
only a beautiful hope,
that my foolishness,
hope of a better day now,
and always.
A head ache,
no now I'm laughing again,
I see,
I hear a warbling of a magpie,
I don't know but we are apart,
but the sound of the bird has brought us near,
it is now,
and I'm singing,
and so are you,
we can't hear each other,
we can hear each other,
what is time and space to nowness and,
can you hear magpies now?
Wherever you are now,
I know you can here magpies.
Once you were my wife,
I don't care about fullish things,
I know you remember sometimes and can hear the
sound of magpies.
What has space and time and math and snowflakes,
the woman I'm talking about,
she would laugh at such childish concepts,
math and snowflakes,
have you ever know the joy in the now,
What is that,
when was the now we heard magpies together,
I hear rocking.,
a rocking chair...
a balcony,
what is lost,
what is found.
I remember the fourth of July,
or is that now?
and the shouting about how some guy is the best,
and they are the best fireworks I have seen I agree,
Is it morning there,
I see a place,
a Sun revolving around a sun,
and a sun around that sun,
there is no shadow of turning there,
Eternal Kingdom of Light,
that Light is also Love,
and there is no darkness,
a Sun and a sun around that sun,
and suns around that sun, and suns,
some of the love is suns around a sun,
and one seem like a man,
and another a woman,
and Light is Love and that is an Eternal Kingdom of
Light and Love,
and now,
for that time we wait,
in my mind,
I fell a kiss,
and the sunrises here,
and the same sun rises over you,
and cold,
in season and out,
be loved,
if ever you think of me when the warmth for the sun
and a laugh,
remember now...
in such times there is laughter,
sometimes inappropriate,
the feel of the sun on the skin,
warm and a kiss on the sunshine...
sometimes is see the sunshine off your face,
now I remember a girl,
and I laugh inappropriately,
or a tear and sunshine in a tear and I laugh
life is well,
such now life,
is a joy...
but now and then,
I care not,
now and then,
to see you truly,
in a time called now.
Sometimes I forget where I am.
And I asked
‘What do you see’
‘Take my hand’
And as he has shown me
I will show you great
And wonderful things
‘Where shall we go?’
What is in going for men
Look what is in my hand
Now there is no going
Worthy of moving
Doing nor speaking
No wonder
Greater than thou
Your hand in mine
And I said
‘He will have it thus’
Always and evermore
No matter the distance
Part from me
He will hold yours
Mine ,
Another with us in love?
Or different and same
Hand to hand in life
Greater and more wonderful
How is it
You don’t know these things?
Life is a great and
Wondrous thing
The teacher in our hands
Whether we apart
Teaches me teach you
For I’m the greater if
I seek him
Or you seek him
Teach me
Who is a man
Or the son of man
That such wonder as you
Will you teach yourself how
Wondrous you are
Or how wondrous
He has made thee?
She said
‘Let me tell you my true
Thoughts of you’
And if your shame pains you
Let me uncover your skirt
So I may teach you hope
And lovemaking
And sex
Our shame will be holy
And our joy complete in
and he shall be our covering,
And this is now in your hand
This is life
The way of truth
You would not know these things
So I stood you up
Above as
My brothers all
What do you see now
I can hear the sound
Of falling rain drowning drought
And revelry
‘Did you not know
Mercy and sacrifice brings much’
A husband is allowed
Be both
Now my beloved
However you are named
Let me show you
Let there be His angels
Sent by His son
You have loved Him more
An excellent name
Let there be an Esther
I ask in him of His Father
for you
I give thanks
That you said yes,
to befriend
And so let there be Boaz,
My Father is Almighty
My brother kinsman redeemer
Mighty warrior
Super hero
His sister princess
My beloved
Dressed in glory
Dressed in white
Beloved of the beloved
My sister princess bride
A story bold colored bright
for we are all of human kind,
Song of grim
Song of light
Day to night
Dark to light
Spoken softly gently lovely
Blind loves tender sight
Words for those
Blinded loves delight
Sweetly serpentine
Pure though
Loves law
To cure those poisoned
Wicked lips lie
Of broken love
Always sought
Curative days
Curative nights
Rocked through ages
Kinsman redeemer
Though just me
Learning him
For thy blessed life
Spoke softly gently lovely
Blind loves tender sight
Words for those
Blinded loves delight
Sweetly serpentine
Purified though
Till always alright
In me
Pure then
An earthen vessel
For quill
Tranquil love
Better Together
Do not ask me
Who are you
I was made for thee
You for me
Do not ask
‘What shall we do’
Only that what we were
Is gone
Not two towards one goal
I fit me
And you fit you
Together walk
Through to through
Do not ask
‘Who will lead’
Only that
Do as I ask
Also as I say please
I for you also
Together bended knee,
and I will do and be the same for thee,
Do not ask
‘To whom shall we go’
Hand in hand first and foremost
Better together we
Do not ask
‘Where to find’
‘Where to meet’
You passed me
Paying four bucks fifty
John Doe
Of the street
Golden deer
Of passing feet
‘To Whom it May Concern’
My casual greet
No strings attached?
No such trite right,
But free wings your feet
No next time?
No next time?
Only four bucks fifty
Golden deer
John Doe of passing feet
Four thousand five hundred
This fortnightly meet
To Whom it May Concern
worn shoes,
And lonely streets
To Whom it May Concern
I not you
But you unseeing
Remember me
The angels around
Only four fifty
Let me count change
And see
They passed by
Not knowing
Change for a
Fortunate King
Did you greet
Do not ask
‘When will my princedom
For princess bride come?’
For you sold a throne
Four fifty bucks the sum
They offered him bitter drink
Cut down
This bitter fruit
This bitter herb
From the
Bitter root
Clean wells
Sweet bread
Corn and wine and oil
But the just
Shall live
By faith
Hoping in love
a smile from me,
and a day faith by faith,
more than all their corn,
sweet bread,
and wine.
You my quilt,
me thine.
And this is the end of my doctrine,
of all my words,
we cannot change,
nor can we change others,
we should not strive to change,
nor change others,
be yourself,
know yourself,
physician heal thyself,
be with no one for ever,
but every day make the choice,
for now,
and then,
and in the beginning,
and so shall it be,
it was because I loved you,
and I do not know what that is,
so I tried to learn you,
and know me,
and that middle place there was not,
in and in,
deeper and deeper still,
“oh my,
oh my God.”
and in love,
befriending others,
for as we strive for children,
so to be like children,
we can never have enough friends,
“oh my God!”
let's be best friends forever.
If not then,
if not now,
Love never ever fails,
yes you were best friend to me,
I will say this,
friend and best friend,
I go wandering for joy,
not looking to find,
finders keepers.
Do you own me still,
not then now or ever,
do you know me now,
if not now,
then when?
I'm the greatest,
He and His Son said so,
so are you,
let me prove it!
It has been how long since I've seen you,
a week,
a year,
a day,
a month,
a second?
Who and how are you,
“oh my God,
your the best.”
Let me prove this again.
is my beloved,
always and forever.
I learned this today.
Something new,
and old,
and borrowed,
and blue,
I like my meat rare,
my fish raw,
dipped in,
And I eat the best parts last.
Do not seize the day,
there are not plenty of fish.
But the catch of a lifetime.
“Oh my God.”
your the bestest ever!
But I have never been here before.
And wont be here again.
This is my theology mate.
I go fishing for that one.
Let me show you the best man to be,
to get that one for yourself,
maybe you know a way,
you got a spirit too,
and I kinda like your style mate.
This is my theology,
if I'm a hoe,
there's no place like hoes,
and get off my grass,
only I dig for gold here,
and some hoes have hearts a gold,
I know,
I stole his ship.
Black Cat Secretarial Services.
I'm not that nice at all.
Bad bad is bad,
boring is boring,
and spending you money.,
(the Lord's from beach to Beach)
at the beach.
If life is what it is, define it.
Otherwise let's spend life living it.

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